There are many things that I've realised I'll require as I make the transition to vegan. An entirely new pantry is one of them. Actually, it'll just be 3 cupboards and a combo fridge freezer filled to bursting, but you get the idea.
Chez Bettay has an incredible list that they say is their ultimate vegan pantry, which looks like it's filled with more food than an extremely large family could eat in a week, let alone my housemate and me. However, one of the things I immediately noticed about the list was that a few items that are used in many of the vegan recipes I've scoured are not present.
For simple scrambled tofu 'egg' I know that while I can add loads of vegetables to the dish, the simplest thing I can do is simply add a little Kala Namak (black salt) to broken down tofu and enjoy thoroughly 'eggy' scramble.
As a meat eater, I'd add Worcester sauce to Bolognese mince and I really don't see why I shouldn't continue to do so if I am using vegan mince, except that Vegan Worcestershire Sauce is also not mentioned.
While I am content to just use Cheezley to recreate my need for cheese, not all of the recipes I've been collecting endorse such trust in deliciously recreated solid fat and instead call for nutritional yeast, which, as you've probably already guessed, is also absent.
And lastly, while they’ve added Seitan and multiple forms of tofu, they’ve forgotten to add my new acquaintances Polenta and Tempeh to the list.
It seems that every single person seems to have their own ideas of what their kitchen should consist of. I personally fantasise about seeing a brand spanking new recipe in one of the many sites I stalk, which urges me to recreate it immediately. Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to go to the cupboards and pull down every single necessary item? I imagine myself recreating vegan versions of Nigella Lawson-esque food porn in my house, which I admit would be completely wasted on my cats, ferrets and housemate, but in my fantasy, my kitchen faces the main road instead of the garden, and a cute, vegan, pagan, 30-something, single, non-smoking, sober, cute guy with his own place, a well paid job and all of his own hair just happens to be walking past the open window and stops to request a taste, followed by a date. *sighs* A girl can dream, can’t she?
Anyway, am I using this post as just an excuse to write down a few of the more common vegan items that I constantly forget? Absolutely. Will it help me to remember? Absolutely not :)
EDIT: I think that rather than creating blog post after blog post with other ingredients that I remember/come across, I shall simply make a list of them in this post and link to them in Amazon (although if I could, I'd link to the UK Amazon instead! Our Amazon doesn't seem to have half of this stuff, sadly.)
*Kala Namak
*Vegan Worcestershire Sauce
*Nutritional Yeast
*Soy protein
*Xanthan gum
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