I love looking through websites. I’ve become a bit of a junkie at collecting new veggie websites and my vegan bookmarks folder easily holds as many as every other folder put together.
I decided to post links to the ones that are interesting me right now. I apologise if I have linked to some before, but the ones that I’ve posted about previously (Earthlings, The Kind Life ...etc) have struck a chord and I couldn’t leave them off of the list.
If you know of any links that I have neglected to mention (some, like PETA were done on purpose), please feel free to link me to them, and I hope you appreciate the links.
Making the decision to go veggie
Do you feel as though you haven't heard the other side of the argument properly? Why shouldn’t you choose a vegan lifestyle? This web page is for you:
10 arguments against adopting a vegan lifestyle
A journalist took the plunge and went meat free (although not fish-free) for a year. She discovered the difficulty she faced in socialising with friends, finding something to eat in a restaurant that wasn't mushroom risotto and the ongoing question: was she doing enough?:
An Independent journalist learns to eat ethically
Not sure if you want to make the transition to fully vegan/vegetarian? Try making Monday a meat free day:
Meatless Monday
The Veggie Lifestyle
Some myths about dairy need to be eradicated:
Milk Myths
Ready to give up meat? The vegetarian Society will give you all of the information and support you need to ensure your transition is a trouble-free one:
Vegetarian Society
You've given up meat but you want to do more. The vegan society offers hundreds of animal-free recipes, advice and information:
Vegan Society
The VVF is a charity that was created to monitor the scientific information linking diet to health. An invaluable source of information:
The Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation
Vegan TV Shows
Isa Chandra Moskowitz is undoubtedly the Queen of Vegan cooking with 5 vegan cookbooks in her repertoire. She became famous for her series, Post Punk Kitchen:
Post Punk Kitchen episodes - Google video
Animal Rights
The Meatrix is of course a parody of the matrix. Instead of the matrix world, it shows that the happy farm with the content and cared for animals is in fact the illusion. It's a fantastic and informative cartoon for both adults and children alike:
The Meatrix
The most powerful film that anybody can watch, it covers everything from puppy mills to the fur and entertainment industry:
A one stop shop for information about the veggie lifestyle and animal compassion. It also has a shop:
Compassion in world farming tries to ensure that animals reared for food are treated compassionately:
Compassion in World Farming
Animal Testing
Do you know if your cleaning products have been tested on animals? Check out the best way to go cruelty free:
Go Cruelty Free
The BUAV is leading the way to stop testing on animals:
Want to know which companies don't test on animals? While this site won't tell you if the company is vegan, it will tell you which are BUAV approved:
BUAV approved little book of cruelty free
Love the planet; it’s the only one we have!
Rightly or wrongly blasted as overzealous, these people truly care about the state of the planet, and they offer insights into the things our governments would rather we remain ignorant about:
Vegan Food/Cosmetics/Clothing
Where to buy vegan food/cosmetics/clothing if you don't live near a whole foods market? The vegan store has a small variety of everything:
Vegan Store
Moo Free Chocolate :)
Moo Free Chocolates
While not completely vegan, they are cruelty free and they do have the vegan logo on most of their products. Plus, they are completely natural :)
Lush Cosmetics
Beautiful looking animal free handbags.
Feel Good Handbags
Animal free shoes
Alternative Stores
Social Networking
Alicia Silverstone’s community of kind lifers, based around her book, The Kind Diet
The Kind Life
Social networking for people wishing to connect with like-minded veggies
Still looking for the right person who shares your values? Try this site:
Veggie Romance
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